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Blueberry Pancakes
Playing Cards

Easter Bunny in The Park


April 19th 

10:00 AM to 12:00PM 

Don't miss your chance to meet the Easter Bunny! Enjoy a fun-filled day with a photo opportunity and an exciting Easter egg hunt in the village park.

Highlighted Community Events

Pancake Breakfast


April 27th

7:00 PM to 12:00 PM

Join us at the Community Center for the Fire Dept. pancake breakfast. Guns will be raffled at noon along with the prizes donated by local businesses

Senior Citizen Cards Club


First & Third Monday of the Month

12:00 PM 

Bring your cards and games to the Community Center for an afternoon of fun, laughter, and friendly competition with local community members.

Village Park

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Stay connected with all the happenings in our community! Our interactive calendar keeps you informed about upcoming events, from local gatherings to special promotions. Explore, plan, and participate in the vibrant life of our community right here.

Visit Ridgeland

Village of Ridgeland

Where Old Friemds Meet.....

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